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Hormones can have a lasting impact on women’s lives for most of their years, from puberty and periods starting, to those hitting the stage in life of the peri menopause and menopause. Now is the time to harness the power of your hormones and have them work for you, rather than against you.

No women’s cycle is ever the same, which is why following generic training plans off the internet don’t work for you. You need a tailored programme that works for you.

Being a woman and hitting a certain age, anxiety levels, forgetfulness, stress, poor sleep, hot flushes and weight gain can all impact on your fitness levels. Even for the most experienced athlete as the menopause start.

You can find you have no time to yourself and when you do get moments of peace and quiet your hormones could be all over the place and you’re exhausted. You avoid big gyms because they can feel intimidating and you worry if you’re doing exercises right if you go to a big group class. Or the class are moving in one direction and you’re moving the other way trying to blend in at the back.

Have you ever looked at your own mum and thought I don’t want to get to that age and not be able to do things?

This is where my Harness the Menopause Training Programme comes in.

Here at Fundamental Sports and Fitness I provide you with the tools to track your cycle, mood and symptoms. When you should push your body to lift heavier weights and when you should take it easier so not to stress your body. I take all the stress away when it comes to planning your workout, you just need to turn up and be ready to exercise.

You’ll be in the studio with only one other client who is in the same situation as yourself. The studio is a friendly, relaxed and safe space to exercise in a way that works for you. We’re based in a quiet location in Keyworth with easy parking.

With my progressive approach to training you’ll not only start to feel fitter physically but you’ll notice your mental health improve too.

You can choose to train once a week on either a Tuesday or Thursday at 10.30am, the 6 week programme costs £150.

To register your interest in the programme fill in the application form and we’ll have a chat.