How to Build a Stronger Core Masterclass
Do you suffer from lower back pain or hear that you need a stronger core?
It’s a common misconception that squeezing your tummy is all you need to do to improve your core.
Having a weak core can lead to a long list of problems, including lower back pain, struggling with technique for exercise, not being able to run longer distances, have a negative impact on your posture to name just a few.
I know when I injured my back, my core was one of the first things I needed to focus on and I considered myself very fit at the time.
Even now, core training plays a big role in how I prep for my workouts, and I know I can relapse with my lower back pain if I’ve neglected it in my training.
To help you stay fit and healthy – improve your own results – invest in your own well-being for life.
I’ve put together a Master Class session where I deep dive into:-
- What your core actually is (it’s not what you think).
- Why it is more important than just squeezing your abs
- The most effective exercise you can do to improve it
You can buy the How To Build a Stronger Core Master Class for £5.95. As soon as you’ve paid you’ll automatically receive and email with it in for you to download.
As a bonus for purchasing the Master Class you’ll also receive a personal 10% discount code off your first 1 hour Sports Massage.
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