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Blog Category: Massage

Understanding Sports Massage: Benefits and Pain Levels

Sports massage is a form of massage therapy aimed primarily at individuals doing physical activity, whether you’re an athlete or fitness enthusiast. However it can be equally beneficial if you work in an office. This therapeutic technique utilises various methods to address muscle pain, enhance recovery, and improve overall performance. In this post, we'll explore the benefits of sports massage, who should consider it, and the nuances of pain associated with the treatment.

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What is Runners Knee?

What is Runners Knee?

It can be your worst fear as a runner getting injured and not being able to train or race. Often getting knee, shin or foot pain you can it put to the back of your mind and hope that it’ll go away. But unfortunately that is never the case. In most circumstances if you ignore the problem it is only going to get worse. 


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Foam Rolling and Trigger Point 101

You might have seen over the weekend on my instagram stories I raided Aldi's middle isle and got my hands on some new kit for the studio.
One of these bits was a vibrating foam roller. I'd heard lots of positive things about them and they can be less painful to use than a normal foam roller. Since getting it myslef and some clients have already had a practise on it to test it out. 
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One Month Into The Journey

It has been a long process and many of you have been involved with the development of the studio, from the early ideas in a note book to the realisation during the summer that I could get my own premises in West Bridgford for a Personal Training Studio.

Now we've up up and running for over a month and the feedback I've had has been amazing.

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