Sports massage is a form of massage therapy aimed primarily at individuals doing physical activity, whether you’re an athlete or fitness enthusiast. However it can be equally beneficial if you work in an office. This therapeutic technique utilises various methods to address muscle pain, enhance recovery, and improve overall performance. In this post, we'll explore the benefits of sports massage, who should consider it, and the nuances of pain associated with the treatment.
I'm going to go through what IT band syndrome is, you might know it as your iliotibial band, it can be shortened to IT band, ITB syndrome, ITBS. It’s a common over use injury that leads to a thickening of the connective tissue that runs from your hip to your knee. And as that thickens, that causes the tightness, tensions and inflammation within that area, which then leads to the pain in your knee. Your IT band helps to stabilize your knee joint, it stops that rotational movement happening. When it gets weakened, that's when it becomes painful.
We're going to look a little bit today about what is runner's knee. Commonly, this is when you're getting pain at the front of your knee when you're running.