What's in store next for you?
A while back I got you thinking about goals and where you wanted to be or what you wanted to have achieved.
How have you got on with them?
If you can remember that far back, mine was all about getting exercise back into my weekly routine. Shocking some of you maybe thinking, coming from a Personal Trainer. But truth be told I was so busy working with you guys my own fitness had taken a back burner.
Since writing that email however, I have been running at least once a week, and getting in a gym session twice a week. Then when I can have have been climbing too.
Total change from where I once was a couple on months ago.
I think part of my motivation came from signing up to an event this weekend, which I knew I had to train for. Plus getting as much exercise in now before our baby arrives, as I'm sure my nice routine and schedule will go out the window. Haha.
So for me it was to have an event to motivate and push myself.
What were your goals?
Did you write them down?
Have you achieved them?
One of my clients was to complete the couch to 5k, she smashed it and is now running regularly. Another was to complete Pretty Mudder with her friend and again she nailed it.
What goals are you setting yourself, and what events are you signing up to for the second part of this year and even thinking long term into next year?
PS. If you are like me and need to see you goal or tell other people, let me know and I can hold you accountable.